Evangelist Steve Marshall delivered a practical yet God focused afternoon, with interactive slides and in-depth psychological support, to a mixed audience of new and older saints.
We had record attendance!
The topic on depression was very relevant to our community here in Bournemouth and to our congregation. We also raised the highest offering we have ever received.
We saw 3 lives re dedicated to Jesus, 3 people get saved, one of which had been attending our church for a number of months however this was the first time he responded to the altar call.
The alter was packed with people praying at the end of service.
One of the ladies in church testified that she felt like the word of just for her as she has been experiencing depression for a number of years due to miscarriage after miscarriage. One sermon on an issue she has never heard preach from the pulpit, has brought breakthrough for her. She has since further opened up about her anti-depressants and her mental health.
Another brother has been experiencing depression for the past 3-4 weeks, and was even considering leaving church because of it. However after the service he said he felt “something had been lifted” from him. Following Sunday it has opened up conversation. The brother has repented of words spoken against Headship and the fellowship and has even committed to tithing.
One of the visitors who attended had been struggling with this issue for many years alone. She shared how following the word she felt uplifted and encouraged that she doesn’t have to go through this alone.
Evangelist Steve Marshal brought a powerful dimension of God's Grace, Mercy with the sensitivity befitting this important issue. It was a supernatural time yet people left with practical take homes.
The congregation was helped, refreshed, encouraged and given a new found hope in Christ.
I would strongly encourage each one of us to have him at least once, on this necessary issue of Depression and mental health. A TRUE WORD IN SESSION.
Ps Mervyn Labrosse, Potter's House Church, Bournemouth UK
Getting out of my own head
Dealing With Depression
Getting Out Of My Own Head is an event that looks at depression from a Christian perspective, and offers spiritual and practical advice that many have found extremely helpful.
The Spiritual Component
Having been in Pastoral ministry since 2004, I have experience in pastoral care, pastoral counselling, preaching and teaching the Word of God, praying with people for healing and deliverance.
This event will contain a spiritual approach to depression based on Biblical texts and instructions, with prayer for those that would like it.
The Practical Component
I have studied courses in;
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Depression Counselling
Counselling Children & Adolescents
This event will provide practical steps that people can take to manage and deal with their depression and episodes of low moods. The practical steps offered will be in line with teachings and methods from the above courses. People will be sign-posted to further help for depression.
Format Of The Event
The event will be a mixture of preaching, teaching, testimony and presentation containing information on various aspects of depression, including anti-depressants.

Woman holding her head with writing in the background

Practical steps that really encourage people

How to host this event

Woman holding her head with writing in the background